Creating sustainable impact together

To increase our global impact, AWB is always interested in building new relationships with changemakers from all over the world. Wether you a professional, a farmer, business owner, student, volunteer or supporter AWB is looking for you!

Join AWB as a:


Farmers, producer and stakeholders looking for specific solutions, products, support and services that help them grow their business, value and gain global recognition. Become part of AWB gives access to a community of experts and leaders in the industry to help you grow sustainably. 

Expert advisor

Experts & specialists looking for new challenges, gain more exposure and expand their reach. Help the AWB community provide assistance and advice to farmers and producers. Consult on a number of areas, including crop choice and rotation, cultivation and harvesting, soil and water issues, and animal husbandry and nutrition. 


Building partnerships with like-minded organisations is the key to succes in working on sustainable development goals. Our partners around the world work on corresponding areas similar to us. We are looking to work together, strengthen each other and exchange knownledge without creating compitition .


Become the pillars and pioneers of the AWB foundation. Help us increase our impact and strengthen our operations towards a more sustainable future for everyone.


Hands-on work with lasting impact on agri communities in need. Assisting local or communities abroad throughout their processes, volunteers are able gain valueble experience in the local & international agriculture scene, learn about sustainable farming methods and agriculture processes from farmers around the world, volunteer alongside local workers, and experience the fruits of the labor.


Make a real difference by donating, empower projects that strengthen the livelihoods of agri communities around the world and help us strengthen the sustainable development movement. Your support matters!


Help us spread the word and create more exposure for projects and campaigns that deserve more support and attention. 

Get in touch

To learn more about how you can work with AWB, contact us